Creative Direction Yein Kwak / Design Soohee Cho, Yein Kwak / 3D & Motion Graphic Jongmoon Woo
Music Röksopp - Happy Up Here / Copyright © 2016 KANA. All Rights Reserved.
'뉴욕 한인 크리에이티브의
크리에이티브에 의한
크리에이티브를 위한'
곧 설립 5주년을 맞이하는 뉴욕시 비영리 문화예술단체, 뉴욕 한인 예술인 연합(이하 Korean Association of New York Artists l KANA)에서 한인 크리에이트 커뮤니티를 위한 첫 네트워킹 소셜 이벤트 <KANA creative nexus> 를 개최합니다.
다가오는 11월 12일(토)에 열리는 본 행사는 세계 문화예술의 중심 뉴욕을 기반으로 하는 ‘시니어’, ’영 프로페셔널’ 그리고 ‘학생’까지-- 각계 예술 분야 속 다양한 연령대의 뉴욕 한인 크레이티브가 함께 어우러져 서로의 비전을 공유하고 소통하는 최대의 교류의 장이 될 것입니다. 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
Calling all Korean creatives in NYC to come out, network, and party with KANA! We cordially invite you to the "KANA Creative Nexus" on Saturday, November 12th, 2016. As we strive to empower the Korean creative community, we will be presenting an open platform where professionals from various art and design industries are encouraged to network and discuss challenges, with the support of creative leaders.
It is only through your generous commitment that we can fulfill this vision to empower the creative community. Learn the skills to become an influential creative in today’s world. Hear distinguished panelists speak about their personal experiences. Ask questions about how to perform under pressure, make decisions effectively, and
break through the glass ceiling.
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
VIP Reception: 4:00 pm
Centre for Social Innovation
601 West 26th Street, Suite 325, NY
▶︎ Tickets: ◀︎
More Info:
*RSVP is highly recommended*
Meet Talk Talk Talk Panelists at the Event
10 panelists from all of our previous "Talk Talk Talk" artists talks: Illustration, Fashion, Culinary Arts, Graphic Design, Architecture, and Photography will be at the event.
Hors d'oeuvres by KANA Culinary Team for VIP Only
Come join us as a VIP at KANA Creative Nexus 2016 in NYC and taste special hors d' oeuvres prepared by KANA Culinary Team.
Special Sessions
We will be spotlighting three "special sessions" at KANA creative nexus 2016 to provide opportunities to learn, connect, and network using our five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

Videographer & Editing Phil Yang / Assistant Videographer Woo Hyung Lee / Creative Direction Yein Kwak
Music Parov Stelar - Booty Swing (T*ts & Cl*ts Remix), Parov Stelar - Booty Swing / Copyright © 2016 KANA. All Rights Reserved.