Image: On Paper(Evidence of Belonging) by Jesse Chun
매회 뜨거워지는 관심과 성원으로, 어느덧 여섯 번째를 맞이한카나 아트 토크
<톡톡톡>이 오는 5월 7일(토), '사진' 주제로 여러분을 찾아갑니다.
일상적인 모습에서 마음을 동요시키는 순간을 담아내는 아티스트
'민혜령(Hye-Ryoung Min)'.
기존 이미지의 재해석으로 새로움을 만들어내는 컨셉츄얼 포토아티스트
'제시 천(Jesse Chun)'.
낯선 장소를 찾아나서며 퍼포먼스 작품을 선보이는 아티스트
'김미루(Miru Kim)'
뉴욕과 전 세계를 누비며 한인 포토 아티스트로써 큰 주목을 받고 있는
귀한 세 분을 모시고 특별하고 풍성한 시간을 준비했습니다. 절대 놓치지 마세요!
The adventurous and exciting stories that will inspire you and push you further in your career. Our sixth artist & designer talk "Talk Talk Talk: Photography" is finally coming back this May! We hope you fully take advantage of this great opportunity to expand your knowledge and network. Grab your chance with KANA's <Talk Talk Talk>!
Hye-Ryoung Min / Photographer
Jesse Chun / Conceptual Photo Artist
Miru Kim / Performance Photographer
* Please RSVP to as seats are limited /
자리가 한정적이오니, 참석 시 KANA 공식 홈페이지에서 RSVP를 부탁드립니다.
* Suggested Donation Entrance Fee / 기부금 입장입니다.
[ Selected Exhibitions ] NEWSPACE Center for Photography, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Griffin Museum of Photography, MASS MoCA, Santa Monica Art Studios, The Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography, The Bronx Documentary Center, Korean Cultural Service, COOHAUS Art, hpgrp Gallery, GoEun Museum of Photography in Korea, Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA), Sejong Art Center, UNESCO Gallery in Seoul and internationally in France, Japan, Malaysia and Albania.
[ Selected Reviews & Published Work ] OSMOS, Monthly Photo, Photo Art, Photo DOT, PHOTO+, Visual Arts Journal, W, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, ELLE, ELLE Girl, ELLE Décor, GQ, Grazia, Cosmopolitan, Art Now Korea, Art Now China, Nobless and Arena, Huffington Post, Feature Shoot, Lenscratch, LensCulture, aCurator.
[ Education ]
School of Visual Arts, NY
MFA, Professional Studies in Digital Photograph
Fashion Institute of Technology, NY
AAS, Photography, 2005-2007
Hanyang University, Korea
BA, German Language and Literature
Conceptual Photo Artist
[ Selected Exhibitions ] Fridman Gallery, Julie Saul Gallery, AIPAD at the Park Ave Armory, Incheon International Women Artists Biennale, CICA Museum (South Korea), CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival, Newspace Center for Photography, Gallery Korea at the Korean Cultural Center New York, Space Debris Art Istanbul, Hong Kong Central Library Gallery, the New York Art Book Fair at MoMA PS1
[ Selected Reviews & Published Work ] The Huffington Post, The Korea Times, The New York Times, South China Morning Post, Art Report, Der Greif, ArtInfo, Asia Literary Review
[ Education ]
School of Visual Arts, NY
MFA, Photography, Video and Other Related Media
Parsons the New School for Design, NY
BFA, Photography
MIRU KIM / 김미루
Performance Photographer
[ Selected Exhibitions ] Gallery Hyundai, Trunk Gallery, Seoul, DOOSAN Gallery NY, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, SODA Gallery Istanbul, Korean Cultural Service NY, Queens Museum of Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, Pierogi Gallery, National Museum of Visual Art, Montevideo, Primary Projects Miami, Waterhouse and Dodd NY, Hanmi Museum of Photography, Borusan Contemporary Istanbul
[ Selected Reviews & Published Work ] The New York Times, TED, DAZED, The Wall Street Journal, GLAMOUR, CNN, USA Today, Esquire, The Washington Post, Taipei Times, Flavorwire, The Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Popular Photography
[ Education ]
Pratt Institute, NY
MFA, Painting
Columbia University, NY
BA, French and Romance Philology