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KANA X Wellcome Collective
4:00 PM16:00

KANA X Wellcome Collective

  • 38 West 32nd Street New York, NY, 10001 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

11월 10일, 한국 아티스트들의 작품을 맨하탄의 작은 한국, K-town에서 소개하는 Sarang 전시의 오프닝 나잇 <잔치(Janchi)> 가 열렸습니다. 이번 잔치는 Wellcome Collective와 KANA가 함께 호스트가 되어 선보였습니다.
Wellcome Collective와 KANA가 함께 호스트 했던 이번 잔치에 정말 많은 분들께서 발걸음해 주셨는데요! 특히 KANA의 Makku와 BBQ 치킨, 그리고 한국의 잔치상 음식들과 이광민 작가의 디제잉으로 Sarang 전시의 오프닝 나잇은 서로의 사랑을 이야기하는 아트의 순간, 따뜻한 환대의 밤으로 물들었습니다. Sarang 전시에 대한 여러분들의 뜨거웠던 사랑을 기억하며, KANA가 한국 아티스트들의 전시를 서포트할 수 있었던 뜻 깊은 현장의 순간들을 공유합니다.

📅 Date: November 10th, 2023

🕐 Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (ET)

📍 Location: 38 W 32nd ST 7th floor, New York

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KANA Pop-up Store 2015: Jammin' NYC
to Nov 14

KANA Pop-up Store 2015: Jammin' NYC

Do you remember that time when New York was a dream city to all of us? But being jammed with people, cars, sirens, and workloads is too much. To transform your stressful New York life into dreamy days again, you need some refreshment and sweetness!

KANA (Korean Association of New York Artists) was founded in 2012 to introduce young Korean artists and designers based in New York to broader audiences. This November, KANA is opening a pop-up store, “Jammin’ NYC”, to expand its programs and interactions with New York community. The event will be held in XY Atelier, located at 81 Hester St in Manhattan, from November 1st to 14th.

Get away with traffic jams and come taste some real good fruit jams. Get relaxed in our pop-up store with good music and artsy workshops to keep you creative and alive. Are you ready to go "jammin"?!

KANA Pop-up Store 2015: Jammin' NYC


Date: November 1st - 14th, 2015

Store Hours: Mon-Sun 11am-7pm

Location: XY Atelier Gallery

81 Hester Street, New York, NY 10002


Opening Party: November 1st, 5pm

Free Admission. 


About KANA:   

Our Culinary team -- students from Culinary Institute of  America(CIA) -- has developed jam recipes from carefully and safely selected ingredients. We have jams made of five different fruits - Apple, Raspberry, Pumpkin, Blackberry, and Coconut. 

Is there discount? Of course! KANA will offer discounts to products and art classes to visitors who post about “Jammin’ NYC” with hashtag #JamminNYC on Facebook or Instagram during the first week of opening period. For specific schedules and promotions, please visit KANA’s Facebook or Instagram.


Get relaxed in our pop-up store
with good music and artsy workshops
to keep you creative and alive!


Day 1  NOV. 3RD  TUE  7AM-9PM
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

2004 ‧ Science fiction film/Drama film ‧ 1h 48

‘You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story…’
Directed by Michel Gondry, Written by Charlie Kaufman

Day 2  NOV. 12TH  THU  7AM-9PM

Frances Ha (2012)

2012 ‧ Drama film/Comedy ‧ 1h 35m

Story of our lives… This film will touch any New Yorker’s heart.

Recommended movie for healing and personal growth. 

“Sometimes it’s good to do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do.”


Are you applying to graduate schools or jobs that require Portfolio? Do not miss this rare chance to get Professional-Quality Portfolio Photo Shoot in a reasonable price!

  • $30 / 1 Artwork

  • $55 / 2 Artwork

  • $75 / 3 Artwork

Product size restrictions: 18”x12”x16” **

Background selections: White, Black and Grey. (58” wide roll)

Image Handling: downloadable jpeg file 3600x2700 / 300dpi

* Above prices include 1 image per project. $10 per additional images.

** Due to limited space size, oversized products will be rejected or additional charges will apply.

- Please note that styling is not included in the above price.

About Esso Studios:

Esso Studios is a photography and design studio mainly specializing in commercial, fashion and product photography, creating promotional contents for businesses and organizations. Esso Studios has grown rapidly past several years, retaining clients not only in different states of US but several other countries such as S. Korea, Singapore and some South American countries. The studio is conveniently located in the East Williamsburg, Brooklyn right off BQE where most of the photoshoots are taking place. For more information please visit our website at


  • Beginners  NOV. 7TH  SAT 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
    (preschool - elementary school)

  • Intermediate  NOV. 7TH  SAT 2:00- 4:00pm (middle-high school, adults)

  • Adavanced  NOV. 7TH  SAT 4:30- 6:30pm (seniors)

CIA culinary students will lead a 2 hour class with 15 people. 3 types of classes will be provided. There will be two instructors in each class:

In Class  Kana's cooking team (CIA students) welcomes people of all ages and backgrounds. Please visit to learn how to make a Korean traditional non-glutinous half moon rice cake! It is a rice cake steamed on a layer of pine needles. After watching tutorials by CIA students, participants will make the shape of half moon, pumpkin, and flower with beautiful natural color doughs (which is made by non-glutinous rice powder). Then, fill the stuff into the dough with sesame seeds and other ingredients such as honey, sugar, salt and cinnamon powder. Each student will make 15 half moon rice cakes by themselves, as well as enjoying a free half moon rice-cake tasting. The instructors will prepare the ingredients and recipe that students can bring home to share rice cakes with their lovely friends or family as gifts.


In Class 

Have you always wanted to learn to draw or develop your childhood skills? We are offering you a confidence enhancing drawing class, suitable for beginners and those who feel a little bit set in their way of drawing. This is great one-off  class to join. Not only the live model will pose for the class, but also the students are highly encouraged to pose for better understanding of figure drawing, and for fun. Students will learn to draw variety of poses where they will aim for strong gesture and draftsmanship. Poses will be relatively short, to focus on capturing the movements and fundamental construction of the figure, and understanding the abstract rhythms that make the figure such an important and captivating subject. There will be constant demonstrations as well as critiques. We plan for a small class setting with a maximum of 10 students. All basic materials will be provided but you are welcome to bring materials of your choice if you so wish.


Hae Lin Park is an artist, a writer, and is planning to work in the museum education field. She received BFA Fine Arts degree from School of Visual Arts and recently finished Visual Arts Administration Master's program in New York University. Her recent works are abstract landscape in mixed media installation. She is a co-founder, and writer of Art Triangle which features the art world of NYC.


What is DADA?   

DADA is the reason why Marcel Duchamp turned an upside down and signed it. Then he became a significant figure in art history. DADA was a form of artistic anarchy, challenging the existing values in the society. Many different forms of contemporary arts (such as theatre, painting and music) were part of this movement. 

In Class

To remove the self from art, the instructor Young Sun will guide students through a set of instructions to make the most out of random chance. Through this class, students will learn how to take advantage of each situation, making the decisions they can between the restrictions. Students will walk away with a collage media form as a final piece that reflects their artistic persona.

Final Product

Your very own painting of artistic anarchy! (on a physical canvas)

What You'll Learn

Basic color theory, The history and artistic significance of the DADA movement, How to visually solve the problems, Critique & Feedback

All basic materials will be provided. Students are encouraged to bring supplies they would like to include in their final pieces. As this class will focus on a collage, magazines and other collage materials will be useful. Classes will take place in a small classroom setting with an estimated attendance of 10 per class.


 Young Sun Song is a freelance jewelry designer and an art teacher at Fusion Academy. She graduated from Pratt Institute with B.F.A in Jewelry Design. As an artist and educator, reinvention and continuous improvement are both constants in her life.

Esteban Ko (Photo by Ji Sang Chung, Esso Studios)

Hyesu Lee (Photo by Yein Kwak)

Esteban Ko, a design director of Izod fashion brand, is sponsoring a venue at the pop-up store.

Hyesu Lee, an illustrator based in Brooklyn, NY, is collaborating with KANA for the interior design and art wall installation. She has published four books and has illustrated advertisements for renowned corporations, including Dr.Jart+, Chobani Yogurt and Bluemoon. Director Ko and Designer Lee have both participated as speakers in KANA’s quarterly event “Talk Talk Talk”, a conference with artists in the field, students and young professionals.

Collaborating Artists
Hyesu Lee, an illustrator based in Brooklyn, NY

She has published four books and has illustrated for various magazines and advertising agencies. She believes that anything warm and cheerful is highly contagious. She received her BFA in illustration from Camberwell College of the Arts in London; MFA Illustration as Visual Essay from School of Visual Arts in NY.

For more information,
please visit her website:

Production by  KANA  l  Korean Association of New York Aritsts

Planning & Management     Vanessa Lee, Yein Kwak, Young Jeon, Veronica Lee, Peter Noh

Creative Direction & Design     Yein Kwak

Managing Direction & Operation     Vanessa Lee

Marketing & Strategy Direction     Veronica Lee

Event Curation      Young Jeon


Illustration     Hyesu Lee,

Additional Illustration     Cheungyoon Kim

Art Direction of Photography & Stop Motion     Eunjeong Yang

Director of Photography     Ji Sang Chung, Esso Studios

Assistance of Photography     Jennifer Sim, Soojin Park, Young Jeon,

Hyun Seung Lee, Junggu Kim, Veronica Lee, Yein Kwak, Vanessa Lee, Peter Noh


Web Design     Yein Kwak

Copywriting     So Sun Park, Woohyung Lee, Yoonkyung Cho

Stop Motion Photography     Hyun Seung Lee

Assistance of Stop Motion     Junggu Kim, Yein Kwak

Stop Motion Editing     Eunjeong Yang

Additional Photography     Danny Chung, Vanessa Lee, Yujoon Jang

Marketing & Strategy    David Jaeik Kim


Culinary Team Managing    Sanghoon Jeong

Apple Jam Recipe     Mansoo Chung, Seungkyu Moon

Raspberry Jam Recipe     Yeji Lim

Pumpkin Jam Recipe     Sunghee Lee

Blackberry Jam Recipe     Yujoon Jang

Coconut Jam Recipe     Sanghoon Jeong

 Culinary Staff    Sally Lee, Jong Hee Lee, Jongin Kim, Yonghoon Kim, Byeong Kyu Park


Store Design    Jaesung Chang, Yein Kwak, Eunjeong Yang, Peter Noh, Vanessa Lee, Yoon Jung, Danny Chung

Store Managers    Jae Lee, You One Kim, Yuri Ro, Seunghyo Jang


Flea Market Magicians    Sue Jean Ko Illustration, Alaska Candle,  Besfren Dessert, Experience Journal

YERI Macarons,  Moondust JewelryStudio Hesed 


Press Contacts

Korean (한국어)    Woohyung Lee <>

English   Sosun Park <>



 Esteban Ko,재외동포재단), Esso Studios,  Sojuhaus

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POP-UP KITCHEN 2014: Food On Canvas
11:00 AM11:00

POP-UP KITCHEN 2014: Food On Canvas

"KANA Culinary팀의 특별한 전시회- 

POP-UP KITCHEN 2014 : Food On Canvas에 여러분을 초대합니다!"

지난 2013년 봄, 뜨거운 반응 속에 성공적으로 치루어진 카나의 첫 팝업키친 KANA x Street에 이어 오는 10월 4일(토)에 제 2회 팝업키친 “Food On Canvas"가 음식과 예술의 만남이라는 주제로 새롭게 꾸며져 여러분을 찾아옵니다.

"요리가 아트라고? 어떻게? 왜?"
요리사는 예술인입니다. 키친도구가 그들의 붓이자, 재료가 그들의 물감이며, 접시가 그들의 캔버스입니다. 이제 그들의 숨은 레시피로 탄생한 작품을 공개하려합니다!

한국과 서양의 다채로운 조화와 오감을 만족시키는 음식을 만들고자 오랜 시간 동안 많은 준비와 연구 끝에 완성하였습니다. 그저 일상에서 맛보고 경험하는 음식이 아닌 오직 여러분을 위해 만들어진 "특별하고 맛있는 브런치"가 준비되었습니다.

입이 즐겁고 배를 채우는 단순한 개념의 음식을 넘어선 '요리' 라는 분야의 아름답고 위대한 종합예술성이 이번 행사에서 여러분과 함께 공유되기 원합니다.

자 이제, 맛보실 준비 되셨나요?

Are you tired of having the same brunch every weekend?

If so, we've got you covered on October 4th!
We are bringing back the spice of our last POP-UP KITCHEN again with the theme of "Food On Canvas!"

We proudly present Korean American fusion brunch in our 2nd POP-UP KITCHEN 2014 held at Take 31 on October 4th.

With our theme "Food On Canvas,” we would like to introduce you to the fusion cuisine with an artistic twist that satisfies all your senses.

Come and enjoy our mouth-watering brunch along with the exhibition of our chefs' art pieces with food ingredients.

Make your tastebuds happy on October 4th!

Event Photos

Project Credits
Art Director : Cheungyoon Kim ㅣ 김정윤 <>, Soojin Park ㅣ 박수진 <>
Designer : Cheungyoon Kim ㅣ 김정윤 <> 
Production : KANA ㅣ Korean Association of New York Artist Association 

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11:00 AM11:00


KANA has had a collaborative project, POP-UP KITCHEN which provide an experience of traditional Korean style street food. On this event, about 300 people have participated to experience the true taste of Korea.

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THE BEGINNING:38651211101
to Dec 11

THE BEGINNING:38651211101


THE BEGINNING:38651211101

November 28 - December 11, 2012
ARPNY, 38-65 12th Street, L.I.C., NY 11101

 Dongsoo Koo & Kangsan Danny Kim (Architecture/Pratt), Haehyun Park (Advertising/SVA), Jennifer Jeong (Painting/Pratt), Hyung-gyu Kim (Computer Art/SVA) had their special group show The Beginning: 38651211101 at ARPNY gallery on November 28 - December 11, 2012. The exhibitors were selected as the most outstanding artists and designers from KANA's first arts festival The Beginning in October, 2012.

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to Oct 17



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