October 13, 2014 - Pop-up Kitchen 2014 : Food On Canvas









The collaboration of the Korean cuisine and the arts join to sweep New Yorkers off their feet!
BAR & DINING, a famous magazine that covers travel and food as well as culture and art, reviewed and published an article about our 2nd KANA event, POP-UP KITCHEN 2014 : Food On Canvas to help communicate our message to the readers.
"The Korean cuisine that I was familiar with broke out of its shell to mix artistic and
trendy elements together and blossomed into New York. " - Nov, 2014, Bar & Dining
뉴요커의 입맛을 사로잡은 "아티스트" 젊은 한인 요리사들의 특별한 브런치!
지난 10월 성공리에 치러진 제 2회 '팝업키친 2014 : 푸드온캔버스' 가 작년 2013 팝업키친에 이어, <바앤다이닝> 11월 호에 소개되어
큰 호평을 받았습니다!
"익숙했던 전통 한식에서 벗어나 예술적 요소를 결합한 젊은 감각의
트렌디한 한식 축제가 뉴욕에서 꽃 핀 행사였다."
- 2014 11월, Bar & Dining
*<바앤다이닝(Bar & Dining)>은 여행과 음식, 그리고 아트와 문화라는매개체로 독자들과 소통하는 한국 유명 푸드 & 여행 저널 입니다.
Web : www.barndining.com
April 13, 2014 - KANA x Columbia KGSA : HAN・COOK




한국음식 축제 ‘한쿡’ 뉴욕 컬럼비아대서 성황
【뉴욕=뉴시스】 노창현 특파원 = “이게 뭐예요?” “한국 떡이라고 합니다.”
다양한 한국 음식을 홍보하기 위한 음식축제 ‘한쿡(Han Cook)’ 페스티발이 13일 성황리에 열렸다.
뉴욕 맨해튼의 컬럼비아대 교정에서 열린 이날 행사는 불고기 김밥 등 잘 알려진 한국 음식은 물론, 돼지고기 볶음과 전통 떡, 퓨전 한식, 한국 전통주 등 다채로운 먹거리들을 선보여 인기를 끌었다.
컬럼비아 한인 대학원 학생회와 뉴욕한인예술대연합(KANA)이 공동주최한 이날 행사에선 학생들은 물론, 캠퍼스를 방문한 지역 주민 등 500여명이 행사에 동참했다.
이들은 “정말 맛있다”고 입을 모으며 한국 음식의 특별한 맛에 매료된 모습이었다. 특히 한국의 대표 음식 김치의 레시피와 효능을 설명하는 코너에 많은 이들이 발걸음을 머문 채 지켜보았다.
이날 행사장엔 어여쁜 한복을 차려 입은 뉴욕한인예술대연합 학생들이 꽹과리로 흥을 돋구며 한국 음식과 문화를 알리는데 앞장서 눈길을 끌었다.
원본기사 클릭
뉴욕 한인 예술대학 연합인 KANA(Korean Association of New York Art Schools)는 오는 10월 5일 K-Town 페스티벌에서 한글날을 기념하는 행사를 연다.
'Happy Hangul Day'라는 이름으로 진행될 이 행사는 올해부터 법정 공휴일로 재지정된 한글날을 기념하며 다시 한 번 한글의 의미를 되새겨보는 자리를 마련하고자 한다. 또한, 세계 중심인 뉴욕에서 외국인들에게 한글의 우수성과 아름다움을 널리 알리고자 하는 취지를 띄고 있다.
당일 행사는 뉴욕 32nd Street와 5th Avenue, 6th Avenue 사이에 위치한 K-Town에서 오전 10시부터 오후 4시까지 진행될 예정이다. 한글로 이름 배우기, 한글 페이스 페인팅 등의 한글을 이용한 다양한 이벤트들이 준비되어 있다. 또한 한글날 전시회 공모를 통해 선정된 뉴욕 한인 신인 작가들의 작품들을 감상 할 수가 있다.
KANA는 2012년 3월 처음 결성된 비영리 단체로 요리, 건축, 인테리어, 패션, 그래픽디자인, 일러스트레이션, 순수 미술, 3D, 그리고 교육을 포함한 다양한 전문성을 가진 학교들, School of Visual Arts, Pratt Institute, Parsons The New School for Design, Fashion Institute of Technology, Culinary Institute of America, New York University, Columbia University의 학생들과 동문으로 이루어져 있다. 2012년 10월 첫 전시 KANA: The Beginning의 성공적인 출발로 문화 교류와 한인 예술학도들의 네트형성을 위해 지속적으로 노력하고 있다.
[아트조선 art@chosun.com]
- Copyrights ⓒ 조선일보 & chosun.com, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 -
원본링크 : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LPOD&mid=sec&oid=023&aid=0002587901
By Shin Kim
Contributing writer
NEW YORK, March 23 (Yonhap) -- It didn't take long for the line to start forming when a Korean street food pop-up kitchen opened at 11 a.m. on a sunny Saturday in March outside Take 31. Young New Yorkers in their early 20s, many still in college, gathered to taste the food on a quiet block next to the heart of Koreatown in Manhattan, and among those patiently waiting in line were chef-owner Hooni Kim of Danji and Hanjan, and the executive pastry chef Jonghun Won of Jungsik.
The Korean Association of New York Art Schools (KANA), the organizer of the event, is a young group that celebrated its first anniversary just this month. This non-profit organization was first formed by Korean students in five art schools in New York: Pratt Institute (Pratt), The School of Visual Arts (SVA), the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), Parsons The New School for Design (Parsons) and The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) -- to promote networking among young artists in New York and realize their artistic potential through various community events. When asked about the unusual partnership with a culinary school in an art school organization, Ye-in Kwak, a founding member and the current vice president of the KANA, enthusiastically answered, "Cooking is another expression of creativity. We're excited to exchange ideas and learn from one another in different art fields."
Members of the Korean Association of New York Art Schools (KANA) (Courtesy of KANA)
Soon after forming the KANA in March 2012, its members started planning an inaugural exhibition in October. When students went back to Korea for their summer break, they worked to promote their newly found organization, looked for sponsorship and found judges for the exhibition contest through their respective school alumni networks in Korea. With the help of Seokwon Andy Kim, the judge for Project Runway Korea and an alum of Pratt, and Sangjun Lee, the character designer and concept artist for feature animation films in Hollywood, 25 of the students' submissions, ranging from photography, fashion, digital art, illustration to architecture, were selected for the exhibition.
The unique potential of this group's artistic diversity was first shown at the exhibition "The Beginning" held at the headquarters of the Korean American Association in Manhattan in October. The culinary students from the CIA participated by presenting their own food in a performance format and catering the opening reception. Pictures that were taken at the reception were displayed along with other artworks during the exhibition period. The cooperation among art students even extended to the musical performance by the students from the Manhattan School of Music at the reception.
Then, in January this year, Elly Soyoun Kim, a student at the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE), proposed the pop-up kitchen idea to the culinary team. She wanted culinary students to have "an experience of running a restaurant even just for a day" with their own food. Besides, as a Korean culinary student in New York, she considered the "globalization of Korean food" was as personal as introducing delicious Korean food to other New Yorker friends, and not just limited to the governmental campaigns of recent years.
Hasung Lee, KANA's culinary team leader, and the rest of the team quickly picked up on the idea and moved forward with the street food theme, something that would provoke nostalgia among Korean students, pique curiosity among non-Koreans, and keep the preparation fun and relatively simple. A detailed event proposal submitted by the culinary team received an enthusiastic approval by the rest of the KANA. As it was with the first exhibition in October, artistic teams of various strengths divided their responsibilities and created promotional materials. Soon the event posters were up and advance tickets for the event were sold at five member schools. The KANA's Facebook page was regularly updated with photo and video teasers showing the preparation in progress.
In the meantime, members of the culinary team focused on their take on Korean street food. Some were more familiar items such as chicken skewers (dakkochi), scallion pancakes (pajeon) and squash lattes (danhobak latte) while others were more fusion items such as KANAcolada (a combination of makgeolli and pina colada) and butter-baked sweet potatoes with kimchi stuffing.
Pre-sale of tickets at the member schools totaled 150, and the KANA team was ready to serve 300 people at the event. On the day of the event, the culinary team prepared food in the kitchen while KANA members from other art schools took care of the front-of-the-house responsibilities, from taking orders, keeping the waiting line in check and answering questions from the guests. Soon after 1 p.m., scallion pancakes was the first item to be sold out. At 2 p.m., everything was gone and the event was over, an hour before the originally planned closing.
Justin Schwartz, a food blogger and cookbook editor based in New York City, came to the pop-up kitchen after hearing about it from a friend. He arrived before noon and was able to order ddukbokgi (spicy rice cake), sweet potatoes with kimchi and rice balls. He liked all of them, "especially ddukbokgi and thought the combination of sweet potato and kimchi was interesting." He also thought the event was great with a "relaxed vibe inside."
Beyond the obvious success of this pop-up kitchen event, it was also a tangible example of what could be achieved from a collaboration of students in various art fields, even under a tight time frame and with limited resources. After celebrating the successful pop-up kitchen event and taking a well-deserved spring break, the members of KANA will go back to planning the next projects on the agenda, including a community service event to hold free art classes for children in Harlem.
원본링크: http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/n_feature/2013/03/21/7/4901000000AEN20130321003900315F.HTML
뉴욕 한인 예술대학 연합인 KANA (Korean Association of New York Art Schools)의 소속 회원들이 오는 10월 13일부터 17일까지 뉴욕한인회관(The Korean American Association of Greater New York)에서 첫 연합 전시회를 개최한다. 올해 3월 창설된 KANA는 가능성을 가진 한인 예술학도들의 열정을 독려하고, 더 많은 종합 예술대학들의 교류를 위한 매개체가 되고자 설립된 비영리단체이다.
'The Beginning'이란 주제로 진행되는 이번 전시는 뉴욕 소재 유명 예술대학 Pratt Institute, School of Visual Arts, Parsons the New School, Fashion Institute of Technology, Culinary Institute of America에 재학중인 한인 예술학도들이 주축이 되어 진행된다. 순수미술, 디자인, 건축, 패션, 미디어 아트 등 다양한 분야에서 공부 중인 예술학도들이 저마다의 시각으로 작품의 본질을 들여다보고 메시지를 던진다. 전공의 경계가 없는 다채로운 전시를 통해 관객의 오감을 자극하여 육감(sixth sense)을 끌어내는 소통방법을 보여 줄 예정이다.
뉴욕 Kips Gallery 대표이자 ASIAF 2012 New York의 총 책임자였던 Ken Kim, 뉴욕 한인문화원, 뉴욕 한인회 등에서 많은 관심과 후원을 받고 있는 이번 전시회는 뉴욕 한인 예술학도들의 도전과 꿈을 위한 첫 발판이 되고자 하는 취지를 가지고 매년 시행될 예정이다.
현재 Kips Gallery에서 일하고 있는 김종헌 포토그래퍼는 "많은 한국 유학생들이 꿈을 위해 이러한 단체를 설립 했다는 것과 한국에 비해 개인주의 성향이 짙은 미국 대학생활에서 서로 협력하여 미국 사회 진출 기회를 넓히겠다는 취지가 긍정적"이라고 말했다.
참여작가 신청은 오는 8월 1일까지이며 자세한 내용은 KANA 공식 사이트(http://www.nykana.org)에서 확인할 수 있다.
아트조선 art@chosun.com
- Copyrights ⓒ 조선일보 & chosun.com, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 -